The Woman of Yesterday…………who is she? what was she? where has she gone?
Thats realy depends on what kind of women we saw when we reflect on the yester-years whereby times were simple……….needs were simple………..families sought joy and pleasure through simply “being”………….we see a young mother at home nurturing her children………..teaching them the wrong and rights of life………….
The woman of today wants to stand shoulder to shoulder with her male counterpart…….she donns the powersuit………….educates herself…………adornes herself with all sorts to educational and superfitial merit to prove her worth in a male dominated society……………..She sees the woman of yesterday and sees a surpressed, suffocated woman who has wasted her life being stuck in the cage of family life and upbringing…..and prides herself at her lucky escape…………
The woman of Yesterday looks at the woman of today as sees and lifeless souls that, in seeking equality and status and merit for being a woman……..has lost the very thing that makes her a woman………….her soul
Guru Nanak Dev Ji praises the God given right of a woman and places a divine light around the task she was given by waheguru: –
mÚ 1 ]ma 1 ||
First Mehla: BMif jMmIAY BMif inMmIAY BMif mMgxu vIAwhu ]
bha(n)dd ja(n)meeai bha(n)dd ni(n)meeai bha(n)dd ma(n)gan veeaahu ||
From woman, man is born; within woman, man is conceived; to woman he is engaged and married. BMfhu hovY dosqI BMfhu clY rwhu ]
bha(n)ddahu hovai dhosathee bha(n)ddahu chalai raahu ||
Woman becomes his friend; through woman, the future generations come. BMfu muAw BMfu BwlIAY BMif hovY bMDwnu ]bha(n)dd muaa bha(n)dd bhaaleeai bha(n)dd hovai ba(n)dhhaan ||
When his woman dies, he seeks another woman; to woman he is bound.
so ikau mMdw AwKIAY ijqu jMmih rwjwn ]
so kio ma(n)dhaa aakheeai jith ja(n)mehi raajaan ||
So why call her bad? From her, kings are born. BMfhu hI BMfu aUpjY BMfY bwJu n koie ]
bha(n)ddahu hee bha(n)dd oopajai bha(n)ddai baajh n koe ||
From woman, woman is born; without woman, there would be no one at all. nwnk BMfY bwhrw eyko scw soie ]
naanak bha(n)ddai baaharaa eaeko sachaa soe ||
O Nanak, only the True Lord is without a woman.
The Woman of Yesterday sees the light of waheguru within her soul…………she sings to her brood the songs of the immortals and shines the light of sikhi within them so they so strive to become one with the light……..she does this with so little show and grandure that its magic is only felt in the depth of the soul as it…..comes closer to Waheguru……………….The saint souldiers that will come tommorow are because of The woman of Yesterday…………….The women whos sees the true purpose of why life is infused in her………………..So rare is this woman…………………who sees past adorning the clay silloette that is her body……………but strives to decorate her soul with the ornaments of the Naam………………so rare has this type of woman who wispers into the ear her newborn the immortal Naam “waheguru………….waheguru.. …waheguru……….waheguru………..waheguru” and does Gods bidding by planting the seed of the naam in that soul so that it may grow ever green in the Land of the Immortals……
My sisters, mothers see your True worth…………….see the beautiful gift that waheguru has blessed you with……..u are the silent warriors that enshrine Sikhi into your brood and ensure that the Garden of Guru Nanak is evergreen and the like the flowers that blossom, you are the true khalsa………… ur soul……… have merged with the creater……….you are waheguru………..o mother and your Khalsa will always blossom
Nice Thoughts!
I would like to add :
Today’s women is more fast, focussed, dedicated, empowered & capable than her counterpart of yester years. These qualities can help her attain inner growth & Godliness more quickly.Alas….The tragic part is that she is using most of her above qualities for materialistic gains, for decorating herself outwardly leading her to impatience, discontent,immorality, no faith situation,lovelessness and what not…. If she were to realise that the real decoration should not be done of the body but the soul which resides in the body.
As a result she is not even remotely connected to her original self. It seems she has forgotten the meaning of love.I wonder how will they love or teach love to their children….
Yesterday’s women were less educated, slow, shy, introverts,submissive etc. But they were high on faith and love. At end of everything its what that counts. It will make you glow, give u immense satisfaction and Contentment, give purpose to the otherwise directionless life and bring happiness to one and all.
More education and worldly advances makes you logical and where there is logic, faith is difficult to come by.When this happens, thats where the Guru comes in. We should be thankful to our Guru, for despite being educated and having developed a logical mind, He has atleast shown us the path the light and given us the direction. (whether we move on that or not is a different thing altogether).
So my advice to today’s women is that God has made u much better, given u so much, use it constructively. Come to the Guru and you shall be guided. Guru is all merciful… Charan sharan Gur ek painda jaye chal Satgur kot (millions) painda aghe hoye leit hai…( take one step towards the guru and he will take millions of steps towards you to meet you). Once you do so, you will have happiness of both the worlds and life will be millions of times more healthier, happier and contented than now.
Wishing all the readers success in their spiritual pursuits…
March 5, 2008 @ 6:00 amExtremely well said, I Singh!!!
March 5, 2008 @ 1:42 pmWahegurooooo pahji what a beautiful response………you truly captured the essesence of the decine of the female soul in ur response……keep in chardi kalah!
March 6, 2008 @ 2:58 amhi! i have a question: what does the MURAKH mean??? My first name looks and sounds similar so my friend who is an Indian guy used to call me Murakh instead of Mirek. So what does it mean??? Please, help me, cuz I can’t find the answer anywhere!
March 29, 2008 @ 5:40 pmMurakh in its simple form means……….a fool……….for a sikh a murakh is someone who does not follow his Guru’s teachings and thinks he knows more and is superior and God is the furthest from his mind……….these are just my humble opinions but im sure others will be able to give a much more accurate and clear answer…
Guru Ang Sang Sahaee
April 10, 2008 @ 2:24 amWAHEGURU JI…
it seems this blog regarding women is an eye opener…..for all women,
the women of today needs to be ornamented with her love.. compassion towards humanity , the FAITH , the TRUST for akal purakh which a women sows … be it mother , sister or a life partner … the seed for life to exist….
‘kyunki o apne bacheya de vishwaas di laaj rakhda hae’
ode ghar to koi khali nahi aanda je ae vishwaas hove ki ‘main oda baccha haan te o mera pita’ taan kadi koi niraash nahi ho sakda….. but ae vishwaas ek maa hi paeda kar sakde hae
we seem to forget the reason of being a women while running in d wild race for materialism … competition …… being a working women is nothing bad …… waheguru ji aap hi ..’KIRAT kamaaye’ te jor dende ne…BUT we need to maintain the balance in life ..
dedicated to my mother who has always been a strength in our hard times….her faith shines within us …..
April 16, 2008 @ 3:59 am