O my mind, you are the embodiment of the Divine Light – recognize your own origin.


waheguru……………..these questions kept coming into my mind……………..everyone say the period after one has been blessed with amrit……is utter bliss but the blis…….for me vanished as soon as i walked out of the sanchaar………….the battle i had faced with loved ones before waheguru blessed me came flooding back…………..as did the doubts and insecurities…………

“How will i cope with the facial hair?”
“What if i stop doing amritvela?”
“What if this is a BIG mistake?”

I now realise to walk on the path of sikhi, one is tested by Waheguru………..to build your sikhi strengh we need these and by over-coming them, we can safely continue on this blessed path…….

December 13th, 2007 at 3:04 am
2 Responses to “The True journey begins with acceptence….”
  1. 1
    sewak Says:

    u r right ji ..
    its test created by waheguru himself…..d same happened with me and i wavered ….dont knw how to satisfy my queries for myself…

    But still feel without HIS will nothing happens….. and he only blesses his people..
    Its a situation unexpressed…but he understands the pain of His ppl…
    Trusting that he wud forgive me for my doings…..

    But one more situation wht i felt was i wavered frm the faith that he wud himself take care of my facial hairs…
    mera vishwaas dol gya….shyd aese kar ke os mainu chadd ditta..

    but i feel i will surely with HIS kirpa take up his bliss ‘amrit’

  2. 2
    justme Says:

    My beautiful daughter of waheguru…..he nevers leaves us….when we are unable to cope with the way he made us….we loose that connection to our soul…..we loose touch with ourselves…..facial hair was a very touchy subject for me…but when i let go…..i gave me head….you took away the “touchiness” and now after 9 year i can look in the mirror at the hairs on my face that are now approximatly 2inches long and say…….”waheguru, you have truly blessed me”

    My sister this body is just a shell……the soul is immortal…we connect to eachother souls and we are all of the same being….and remember our Guru’s wise words

    jau qau pRym Kylx kw cwau ]

    jo tho praem khaelan kaa chaao ||

    If you desire to play this game of love with Me,

    isru Dir qlI glI myrI Awau ]

    sir dhhar thalee galee maeree aao ||

    then step onto My Path with your head in hand.

    iequ mwrig pYru DrIjY ]

    eith maarag pair dhhareejai ||

    When you place your feet on this Path,

    isru dIjY kwix n kIjY ]20]

    sir dheejai kaan n keejai ||20||

    give Me your head, and do not pay any attention to public opinion. ||20||