O my mind, you are the embodiment of the Divine Light – recognize your own origin.

Dukh Daroo Sukh Rog Piaah – how ture are these words, we read them in Rehraas during the evening but we stumble through them without fully appreciating how much of an important message Guru Ji is giving us in this one tuk alone.


Imagine you’ve had a stressful day at work, ur boss has been on ur case, your projects arent going so well, u argued with a loved one about something……….but now you cant even remember what…………….You see, Guru Je is so amazing and thats why the first line of the Salok starts with the beautiful tuk…….

 If we are happy? Do we think of Waheguru? when we are engaged in our jobs, day-to-day routines, “living life”, where is Waheguru? a distant thought at the back of our minds that is so often neglected……….Yet waheguru never leaves our side, he is there ensuring we do everything we need to do…………do we thank him? do we even understand the concept that Waheguru sits inside us? This thought process is something many shout out to the world “YES, WAHEGURU IS IN EVERYONE”…………..but do we practise this?

 Why do we continue to shout and scream at those around us? If Waheguru is in all?

Why do we like to criticise and find faults in people? If Waheguru is in all?

I feel this partly comes as a refelection of our own doubts, fears and insecurities, we see in others what we realy see in ourselves and that frieghtens us, This is why Guru Ji stresses so much that we need to look inside……….cos we need to dig out the filth inside our own souls before we can find waheguru……..but if we refuse to see, accept or achknowlegde our own failings and mistakes…………how can we find waheguru?

It so easy to sit hear and type this but upon giving our head to Guru Ji we vowed to follow a true way of life, that Truth is inside us so before raising you voice or hurting someone……….turn inside………..LOOK………….Think………………..Are You any better?

February 6th, 2008 at 3:35 am
4 Responses to “Bliss comes through Pain”
  1. 1
    IPS Says:

    Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa!
    Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!!!

  2. 2
    Vishavtej Singh Says:

    This is so true. In pain that Birha is created, you remeber God and ask him to lift you. That romance can’t be described. But the life should be Sukh Vele Shukrana, Dukh Vele Ardaas, har Wele Simran.

    Guru uses different experiences to create that Birha and state of mind that makes you realise that life is duality. We have to reach that God which is One and is reality.

    “Aese Gur Ko Bal Bal Jayiea”

  3. 3
    Taranjit Singh Says:

    “Sukh Vele Shukrana, Dukh Vele Ardaas, har Wele Simran.

    Guru uses different experiences to create that Birha and state of mind that makes you realise that life is duality. We have to reach that God which is One and is reality.”

    Very well said.

    Hum keere kiram satguru sarnai, kar daia naam paragas.
    Mere meet Gurudev, mo ko Ram Nam pargas.

  4. 4
    Harsimran Jot Singh Says:

    no doubt we are thankless when everything is going good. we remember god only when we are in trouble or in pain. but if we remember waheguru always then we will never get any troubles or pain……….coz

    “har bisrat sada khuaari
    taa kao dhokha kaha byaape ja kao oat tuhari”