Every so often my mind begins to ramble and go one one its its many rants, so my daily protocal is to go on sikhitothe max and hit the radom shabad button for Maharaj to give guidence to these ramblings…But on this particular day whilst sitting at the Gurghar i saw a family walk towards Maharaj and do Matha Teek…..and my mind was filled with throughts and questions; “I wonder why they are here today?” “She do they cut kes and come gurghar?” etc etc etc etc………….the next 5-10minutes whilst sitting in the presence on my Guru were wasted in these thoughts…
sloku ] |
salok || |
Salok: |
loiex loeI ifT ipAws n buJY mU GxI ] |
loein loee ddit(h) piaas n bujhai moo ghanee || |
With my eyes, I have seen the Light of the Lord, but my great thirst is not quenched. |
nwnk sy AKVIAW ibAMin ijnI ifsMdo mw iprI ]1] |
naanak sae akharreeaaa(n) bia(n)n jinee ddisa(n)dho maa piree ||1|| |
O Nanak, those eyes are different, which behold my Husband Lord. ||1|| |
These these words from GuruJi hit me so hard that i sat back and thought…………”what precious moments were wasted in such thoughts” then i began to think about the message Maharaj was trying to give me, in these to simple yet very powerful lines………..Our external eyes are not only part of the illusion but also play an acting part in the Game of Maya…………so many times Maharaj places a scene in front of us……………and so many times we fail to see the “scene” and the scene is assumed to be a reality.
In that moment i realised how true are those words; “The eyes are the Window to the Soul”………….its the process that comes next………in which the soul either connets to God or jions the illusion…………when we precieve the world………….what goes through our mind………..thats the problem, the minds processes it and sends it back out. How many times have we seen something, and without knowing the full facts made assumpsions…….only later to find out how wrong we were…………..? ……………we are mere vessels, for God to fucus His energy through………….the moment we assume superiority and power over this body…………..we are blocking God’s energy to fully flow through us………hence Maya is waiting to full advantage of this….
But the eyes inside us……………those are the eyes to the soul…………when our physical eyes connect with our souls eyes……………..the illusion is smashed, the pure white energy of Akal Purakh is flowing through, He has taken back what is rightfullyHis and the atma is linked with the Parmatma. God is seen prevading everything and everyone………..